Sunday 27 October 2013

War Photographer - James Nachtwey

1. What do you think of his approach to photographing people in crisis?

James Nachtwey: War Photographer
From what I have seen in the documentary  "War Photographer", James Nachtwey's approach to photographing people in crisis is very focused and, despite the circumstances, remarkably calm. This is because there is a certain peacefulness about Nachtwey as he carries out his work. He can frequently be seen in the very thick of the action snapping photographs while we see other people fleeing for their lives. But Nachtwey stays put exactly where he is and he continues to work. There is no sign of fear or anger or sadness in his expression which is mainly blank and almost empty. But this is not entirely true for Nachtwey, as he instead channels all his emotions into his work. The results are images that shock, disturb and immediately grabs our attention. This is precisely how Nachtwey wants his work to be; brutally honest and realistic. This is what I admire most about Nachtwey, his unflinching honesty in his work.

 2.What kind of subjects does Stern magazine cover?
Stern magazine is a weekly news magazine published in Germany since 1948. It covers serious issues such as wars, poverty and violence but also lighter topics such as celebrity news and fashion.

3.What conflicts and issues did he cover in this film?
In this film photojournalist James Nachtwey covers a wide range of issues such as war, poverty, famine and violence. This film opens in the war-torn region of Kosovo, which was once a part of Serbia. James Nachtwey stands alongside survivors in the streets which have been devastated by the raging war. Nachtwey's pictures are even more powerful to behold due to his use of black and white photos which truly makes his work stand out. We see powerful images of bodies strewn everywhere and grieving families and survivors as they struggle to come to terms with the crisis that is war.

4. Why did he become a war photographer?

James Nachtwey was born on March 14 in 1948 and grew up in the state of Massachusetts, New England, in the U.S. He graduated from Darthmouth College in 1970 where he had been studying Art History and Political Science. He first started working as a newspaper photographer for the Albuquerque Journal in 1978. But one night in the year 1980, he woke up after a dream which made him realise what he wanted to do with his life. Nachtwey wanted excitement and adventure in his life so he decided to move to New York City to realise his dream of becoming a war photographer.

5.What kind of personalities do photojournalists have?
Based on what I have observed from James Nachtwey in this film, photojournalists need to be resourceful and quick, single-minded, cautious and always calm in all kinds of situations. They must also be brave in the face of danger and have a natural curiosity within them. Christiane Amanpour, from CNN, also features in this film. She worked with and accompanied Nachtwey on many of his travels. She describes Nactwey to be completely dedicated to his work but says that he is "a bit of a loner". From what we can see of Nactwey this is quite true. Nachtwey clearly  displays a passion for photography but, more importantly, he genuinely cares for others and does what he can to help. His way of helping those in crisis is by photographing their experiences so that the world can see it.

6. What kind of pictures end up being used by editors in the end?
Boy in the ruined streets of Kosovo-by James Nachtwey
I believe that editors generally prefer to use photographs that are the most striking and so grab the attention of readers. They choose the most shocking, vivid images that they can find and this draws us, the readers, in.

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